
Showing posts from December, 2017

Joseph Smith and the Inverted Pentagram

The year is 2218. Modern society as we know it has crumbled and alien overlords have taken control of the ruined remains of America. In the rubble, a discovery is made. An issue of the conspiracy tabloid  National Enquirer . What valuable insight into the world of 200 years ago could this document provide? This issue becomes a prized artifact because of the information it provides about the world as it once existed. The only problem is that none of it is true. In 1844, disgruntled excommunicated Mormons created the  Nauvoo Expositor.  This anti-Mormon newspaper only ran one issue in which polygamy and Joseph Smith were condemned in very strong terms. It was one of many papers of the era that ran articles targeting the Mormons and Joseph Smith for their doctrine and practices. The publisher, William Law, disingenuously founded his own church based on the LDS church in an attempt to have his cake and eat it too. He then began a smear campaign in which he ...

Sticks and Stones: Revelation Throughout the Ages

God never changes, therefore he always does things in the same way. Seems logical initially, but then you think about how humanity changes and things start to fall apart. The Bible alone shows again and again and again and again and again and again that Heavenly Father knows how to get a message across and that it's not always exactly the same. Knowing your audience was among the first things I was taught as a communications major. Surely the most powerful Being in the universe has at least a 101 level understanding of how to effectively communicate a message. Heavenly Father is willing to change his platform when delivering a message. When a prophet is on the earth the message comes from him, but when one is not on Earth, God works with what he's got. During the restoration, unconventional methods of revelation were used including  seer stones and divining rods . People say that Joseph Smith was crazy for using a rock or that Oliver Cowdery was a fraud for usi...

Complete Guide to D&C

I've created a complete chronology of the Doctrine and Covenants. The current chronology in the beginning of D&C is great, but it is a little lacking in terms of details. The file, that you can download here , has dates, the subject matter of the revelations, the recipients of the revelations, content breakdowns, code names, and some other fun stuff. Check it out if you want to learn more about the Doctrine and Covenants!

Mormon Moon Men Mania

According to the internet, Joseph Smith once said, “The inhabitants of the moon are more of a uniform size than the inhabitants of the earth, being about 6 feet in height. They dress very much like the Quaker style and are quite general in style or the one fashion of dress. They live to be very old; coming generally, near a thousand years.” Or rather, Philo Dibble told Oliver Huntington that Joseph Smith had said that. Super legit. “But wait!” the detractors will cry. “It was published by the church. Checkmate. Your church is false.” While this quote was published in the *pauses and puts on glasses to read the well-known title that everyone will recognize* Young Women’s Journal of 1897¸ it has never really been corroborated by anyone else or in any other publications. And the Young Women’s Journal is not typically (ever) cited for its doctrinal relevance. “Ah ha! But you fail to mention all the other quotes from Joseph Smith saying more or less the same thing.” Okay...